Fredrick Edwin Odhiambo Siangla, CPE, KJSE, KCE, KACE, AA, BA, MA, MSC, MFA, PaFA,Cert. PhD, DFA

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


It begins with the name and in East Africa name is Jina and name is with a title. Names can carry titles or initials which must be associated with the school in which one earns the title.

Title is what you practice. Those who practice Continuing Professional Education (CPE) can add the initials to their name if they went to a name school.  Your name may be Sagam, Anyiko or Bar Sauri. You cannot, however, call yourself "Anyiko, CPE" and thereby encouraging it to become an official name in any English or Kiswahili speaking society. Bar Sauri, CPE cannot be an official name to a Kiswahili speaker unless the speaker went to a certain Jina School, Jina College, Jina Institute or University in any part of the world by the name Jina. Lest your name be audited. 

According to Institute of Internal Auditors Global, (IIA):
The Annual CPE Audit notifications are sent in January for the prior year’s reporting cycle. If selected for an audit, individuals must provide evidence of previously reported CPE activities that meet the criteria described in the CPE Policy. Individuals selected for a CPE Audit will be notified via email. The deadline and requirements for returning supporting documentation will be included in the email.
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity specifically designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. This form of auditing helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

Here is one place where knowledge of accounting comes to play. Much as accounting is an important skill for an internal auditor, the focus for many internal auditors is the evaluation of operational, risk management, internal control and the governance processes of the organization. All financial activities in any firm are associated with the names of accounting officers.

Jina en University in China

In the late nineteen sixties I, Fredrick Odhiambo, was a student at Jina En University, Ng'utmbaka and there I chose to concentrated on  African origins of letter N. I demonstrated through pharaonic language that among the Nilotic people N means that something is what it is; the existence.

Ring en Ring means whoever is called Ring is Ring and thus one's name. CNN which is whatever you can see is what it is. Take a School called Jina. That Jina School exists, thus N. There at Jina I earned my CPE, yet it would be 1969 (When my certificate was issued, it was more than seven years later because I was too young to receive my degree certification from Jina N in 1969 anyway).


My KJSE was honorary title conferred upon me by a Hono Institute of Molecular Physics. My name, during that time, was Fred Erick Ra, MBA. My contribution was the creation of school mall(canteen) the profit from which physics books were raised to teach Ramba Graduate Teachers College, Porbandar Asembo Ndari in Keya.



Three earned degrees and one honorary have never been enough, in my view. What elementary mathematics did they teach PLO Lumumba in Belgium? In PLO University trained lawyers do not need to understand the right triangle rule.

Arudhi Magwanga, WANG'NYANG'

Goo, go go gowang' nyang'
Magwanga goyo go go wang'e
Mondo nyang' oweye go go gowang'
Mondo ji omosree go go ogo wang' nyang'


I earned as Fredrick Odhiambo, AA (supervisor John Crusadi Nesbit, PhD Canada)



If BA means Bad Africans, especially leaders, as PLO Lumumba asserts and goes to learn Pythagorean Theorem in Belgium, then the BBA should mean Beirut Bar Association.

I earned my title as Fredrick Odhiambo Tusker, BBA in Beirut. My contribution to the Bar Association was that it is not always African leaders who are bad. Bad people are everywhere. It is sometimes those who defend the corrupt and incompetent electoral boards in Africa that are bad. It is those who would defend IEBC in the 2018 case in Kenya, for example, who would be be very bad because people die during elections. That was my contribution in August eight 2017.

At the  Tartu, Ng'utmbaka, I studied semiotics and earned Odhiambo Siangla, MA. My contribution to the Department of Semiotics was In this scholarly work, I demonstrated that in the beginning was the Nilotic word. The word was ng'ut. And ng'ut was with mbaka. And Ng'utmbaka was a University Tartu. And the University was a Temple.  My name was Odhiambo Timo Mara N PhD. I had two opponents Giovanni Manetititi and Constatino Marmo Kudho.

From my name as opponent of Constatino Kal Usi, I overtook Usi and became Dr. Odhiambo Siangla.


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